
Nutrition: a piece of the autism puzzle

That was the name of the seminar I went to today. It was very, very, VERY helpful. I have struggled to make sense of all the biomedical issues and how they fit together, and what is the safest way to address them. This really helped me get an idea of how to proceed.
The only thing I didn't enjoy was the length. It was from 9AM to 4PM. They gave us breaks so we weren't sitting all that time. But there was so much information! By 2:00 my brain started feeling overloaded and by 4:00 I had a headache. (But it was worth it for all the valuable information I received.)

"Meanwhile, back at the ranch...."
I'm not sure I will ever get PJ to consent to watch the boys all day ever again! In PJ's defense, NB's sickness made it harder because he was so cranky (that is, NB was cranky...not PJ, of course). I just told him we got to swap roles for a day :0)


. said...

I'm curious to hear more! I find this nutrition link very interesting.

Laura said...

I'm glad the seminar was so helpful. Hopefully it will make even more sense to you as you mull it over in the coming days.
Tell PJ it's just part of being a dad! ;)