
Has it really been that long?

Over a month since I last posted anything!
Reason #1: We have been having computer problems, which still aren't completely resolved yet.
Reason #2: A month of multiple practices, rehearsals, and late nights for the Easter program---which, BTW, was well worth it!
Reason #3: I "fell ill" with a severe sinus infection the day after Easter.

I'll try to list a few interesting things that have happened during this "period of silence". PJ5 said "mommy" for the first time a couple weeks ago! His words have increased, as well as his attempts at words. NB has discovered gargling! The day he disconvered this, I think he gargled every time he had a drink. I even heard him gargling in his crib after I put him to bed!
PJ5 had a birthday recently. I had plans to have a big party and invite all our friends, but that was the week I was sick and I didn't feel like tackling something that big. So we scaled back to just family. He moves up to children's church next week. I have mixed feelings.....I hate to see him leave Cerys' class. He'll probably do fine because he loves the older kids. But I'm anxious to see how the workers handle his occasional tantrums.
That's all for now. Things around the house have fallen behind since the week before Easter, so I have a lot to do. Hopefully I can get back into the blogging habit now (barring further computer complications).

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