There are so many things going on this week, that are matters of prayer for me. So for the 4 or 5 people that read my blog, perhaps you would keep these things in your prayers...
This week PJ is taking his long, hard, 8-hour test on Friday. That means he will be studying pretty much every day this week, so we won't see much of him at home (pray for me too!). He needs speed for doing all the calculations in the limited time; and mental and physical stamina to last all day (this is sometimes a problem for him); and good recall of what he has studied. (Just FYI we are still going to have some time together on our date night since he shouldn't really cram the night before)
Wednesday morning I am going to PJ5's IEP meeting. (Also, I have yet to find someone to watch the boys during that time.) I am a little apprehensive about this, because I don't know all the people who are on the IEP team, and I have been hearing several horror stories of meetings where the parents have to really fight to get what they want on the plan. This is probably just me imagining the worst-case scenario. I like his teacher and have talked to one other person whom I feel is on the same page for what we want for PJ5, but I know next to nothing about the 4 other people who will be there.
To top things off NB is fighting a bad cold.
I am also going to be praying a lot on Tuesday for Stellan who will be having a very risky surgery in Boston for his heart problems. He is only 5 months old which is what makes the surgery so risky.
It seems like there's something else, but my mind can't think of anything.
I also had a review meeting today for NB's current program, which will end when he turns 3 years old, in only 5 months! At that point he will transition out of the state's early intervention program and into school! We spent some time talking about that, including some of our options, and will have an official transition meeting in May. The meeting today went well, but I am still a little keyed (stressed) from that. I also really wanted to go to Texas this week and see my aunt who has been in the Philippines for the last year and will soon return, but I couldn't figure out how to fit that in with everything else that's going on!
I don't know if you're interested/willing, but the L's will be available Wed. morning...
I'll be praying for all those things.
We'll be keeping all of you (and Stellan, of course) in our prayers. If it doesn't work out for the L's, I'll be at the church Wed. morning, and you could bring the boys there.
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