
The last straw

well...it feels like it anyway

I woke up with a sore throat and general achiness. I didn't take NB to MDO because a half-hour before I should take him he had a low fever(99.2) . He was fever-free yesterday and when he woke up this morning, so that was a bummer--and the fever was gone about an hour later! After this I had a high fever and couldn't find any ibuprofen in the house, except Children's. So after laying down a while we all went to the store for some essential items, namely medicine and juice and Sprite. The fresh air revived me a little, but by the time we checked out I was achy again and my purse strap felt like a knife buried in my shoulder. Back home with some lunch for the boys now. PJ5 will be going to school soon, then I will put NB in his crib and lay myself down too.

(I do have a babysitter for my meeting tomorrow, thanks for the offers; and it's too important to cancel. I just hope my head is clear.)

My main concern is that my husband NOT get this cold right before his test...That would be the last straw!

Pardon my doom and gloom. It's hard to be cheerful and upbeat when you feel like......well....you know...


Anonymous said...

praying for you!

~brati: who I feel some days

. said...

Praying for you all today!