

Something funny that happened last night:

Yesterday in the late afternoon I found PJ5 in my bathroom pumping some soap into his hand and wiping it onto the the counter. (I think I've mentioned his affinity for "pumping" things.) I thought I had caught him early because there was only one smear on the counter. That night when going to bed I went into the bathroom to get a drink of water and noticed there was a little soap on the faucet handle, though not much. But, when I drank the water I had put into my cup it tasted very strongly of anti-bacterial SOAP! I guess he had already smeared soap all over the faucet before I found him. Now I know why washing your mouth out with soap was such an effective threat for kids!

1 comment:

Idril said...

lol! I can totally relate (although the girls haven't yet managed to get it in my mouth). Their fascination is not so much with the pump, I think, as it is with the soap itself. They can empty a container of it in a couple of days if we don't watch them VERY carefully. We've switched to bar soap. =)