
Moving?....or Not

I knew it would be awhile before I got back to my list....

I'm probably not going to say as much about moving. Because now I'm not sure it's going to happen. We are wanting some more space (more than the 1100 sqft. we have) and thought this would be the year we look for our next house. But, finances don't look perfect for that right now. Experts are saying that rates will be going up by the end of the year, and it would be nice to take advantage of the low rates plus the current homebuyer "kick-back" that's available. We're going into aggressive "save" mode and we'll see how our nest-egg looks this summer. We're trying to keep the house we have and rent it out.

We aren't planning to move far, and actually would like to stay in our current school district. We just need some more living space, an extra bedroom, a larger dining room, and a bigger kitchen. Not much, huh? At this time, it's better for the boys to have separate rooms, so

We've thought about adding on to this house, but I can't figure out how to get what we want with the layout/floor-plan we have.

Only time will tell if a change-of-address lies in our near future.

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