I had a revelation (or at least an interesting thought) yesterday morning at church. It was during the prayer time so it wasn't really related to anything said. I shared a little of it last night in the evening service.
First, the background: I have struggled (as every parent of a disabled kid does) to balance acceptance of my child's diagnosis, and pushing/working to help them move forward. They can work against each other. When you come to the point of accepting the diagnosis, it can cause a slump in your drive to change things. And conversely, when you are wholeheartedly pushing and working to move them forward in their development, it can cause feelings of discontent. You have to find the right balance, so that you stay motivated. Now, for my "Aha!" moment.
I need to love my child in the same way God loves me. (This may sound very basic, but keep reading!)
+God knows I'm not perfect.
+He loves me as I am---imperfect.
+He knows my potential, and that I haven't reached it all yet.
+He knows that someday I will be completely perfect (in heaven).
+He is making/shaping me towards that perfection (of mind, spirit, character, person).
+He doesn't change me instantly, but "processes" me.
+He disciplines me (because He loves me).
+He helps me do what is right.
+He forgives me.
+He is unendingly patient with me.
+He keeps teaching me.
+He protects me.
+Sometimes He carries me, other times He walks beside me.
+He allows me to experience the natural consequences of my decisions and actions (with a few merciful exceptions!).
+He keeps working on me, to make me what I should be.
Of course, I don't have the option of instantly changing my child. But I know that God could heal him instantly, but instead He is choosing to heal him one step at a time. Either way He gets the glory. I purposefully give praise and credit to God for every step of progress my boys make. And I know that he is changing me as well, through the process.
Whew! That's a list to keep a parent busy growing towards full potential for a long time. I especially need to work on the unending patience. Thanks for sharing.
I am glad to hear too!
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