
The dangers of motherhood

Saturday I was sitting on the floor and my two-year-old came running at me like a linebacker. The first time I saw him coming and just rolled with him. The second time his head hit my mouth and busted my lip.

My four-year-old does not like to walk in the wind, so he clings to one of my legs with his head against it and covers the other ear with his other hand (he's been trained, you see, to hold on to someone or something when he walks in the parking lot). However, this makes for difficult and sometimes dangerous walking. I stumble around trying to keep my balance (I'm often trying to carry my 2-year-old at the same time) and very rarely walk in a straight line. And in a parking lot, it's safer to walk in a straight line so that drivers know where you are going. Sometimes I just stand still and let them pass before our little staggering train moves on.

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