
Male-Female Communication

Men and women think differently. We all know that. Which often leads to miscommunication and frustration. Especially when a husband and wife are trying to reach a decision together.

When a woman presents her reasoning for a decision or opinion, it often goes over a man's head (or in one ear and out the other). It's like she's speaking a foreign language. This is because his logical-processing mind isn't working the same way as hers. What makes this so ironic, is that he often would reach the same conclusion, but by a different, male, pathway of thinking.

So, I have found a very simple solution. Learn to argue like a male. If you can think logically (and most women can), then simply offer the reasoning that a man would understand. His eyes will be opened and decisions are made more quickly and smoothly. It also helps if you can "get inside" that man's mind and understand his particular way of thinking and reasoning. Then your argument can even more closely resemble something that makes sense to him.

Sadly, this doesn't usually work the other way around. It is much more difficult for a man to understand how a woman thinks. There may be exceptions, of course.

One thing a man can do, however, is learn to listen to a woman's reasoning; and then to understand that it is something important to her, even though to him it may have no importance or perhaps not even any bearing on the case whatsoever. Again, he may not understand why it is important to her, but he learns what is important to her. And that is very valuable indeed. Warning: it is rare to find a man that is willing and able to do this!

But I am lucky. Or perhaps blessed is a better word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A=M=E=N. to all of it :)