
I need a chicken

Yesterday we went through 16 eggs!!

At least two were thrown away because PJ5 broke them into a dirty bowl. Four went into a recipe for pumpkin pancakes which both boys really liked (but was a little time-consuming to make). But I think all the others were scrambled or fried, and all but two were consumed. Wow.

The first day I chopped up chicken breasts and fried them directly in olive oil and salt. I served them with honey for dipping and both boys ate them. I did the same thing yesterday and neither one wanted it. Go figure.

It's been interesting to see the boys different reactions. The first day, both boys ate fairly well although PJ5 was searching the cupboards most of the afternoon for more familiar foods. The second day, PJ5 continued eating a LOT, mainly eggs and fruit; while NB ate only a little and drank alot.
There is a yahoo group made of people who are, or have been, on this diet. It includes helpful tips and some recipes--yay! That is where I found the pumpkin pancake recipe. It's nice because you can use canned pumpkin. It's time-consuming because you have to make the pancakes very small or they fall apart when you try to flip them over. Several recipes require a food processor and I'm not sure I have one. (If I do, I didn't use it much and so would have put it out of the way.) They also share how their kids have responded during different phases of the diet.

I feel like I've spent tons of time in the kitchen the last two days. I need to figure out a way to cook ahead, but I'm still trying to figure out what the boys will eat well. I think I may cook several hamburgers and put them in the fridge or freezer for myself, so I can get some quick protein and keep going.

Maybe I need a cook, rather than a chicken.

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