

It's been a couple weeks since I posted anything, but it's been a busy two weeks.

One positive thing that has happened, though:
PJ5 said "I love you", spontaneously (without prompting), for the first time!! (And, yes, I'm speaking of my son here and not my husband!) He has said it a few times when I try to get him to repeat the words after me, but not on his own initiative. I was leaving him in the nursery and gave him a kiss over the "half-door" then waved and he said 'I love you' in his little sing-song voice. It was very sweet.

There have been a few other words he has spoken, as well. Last night, when I put him to bed, as soon as I said "amen" to my prayer, he said "ni-night" before I said it. He has been saying 'bye-bye' a lot more lately. And the other night as we were walking up the hall at the hospital I was telling him (as I have each time we go up there) "we're going to go see Mema and tell her 'hi' and 'I love you''. He is always looking all around and I never know how much attention he's giving me, but this time he said "mema", very clearly. That was a first!

These may seem like small accomplishments, and for a typical kid they might be(especially at 4 years old). But for a child with autism, every small step is actually a huge step. And I praise God for every progress that is made.

1 comment:

. said...

He is growing up! I can tell from just seeing him at church weekly that he has really been maturing lately. :)